

Florida Tech Students

The Student Counseling Center supports the university’s mission of student success by promoting the best possible academic, vocational, and emotional health for Florida Tech students. Our center is located on the main campus to provide a variety of professional mental health and wellness services to assist students with their overall health, so they can successfully reach their own personal, academic, and career goals.  

Counseling Services

Counseling services are offered to registered Florida Tech main-campus students on-site at the Melbourne campus.  There are a variety of personal concerns that students may seek professional assistance and support for, such as issues with adjustment and life transition, difficulties managing stress, depression and/or anxiety concerns, bereavement or unresolved issues, lack of self-esteem and self-confidence, identity concerns, difficulties with sleep and/or eating, social and communication challenges, etc.  Counseling offers students an opportunity to better understand themselves, their level of functioning, and how they relate to the world, so they may be able to maintain a healthy and satisfying life. This may involve challenging self-defeating thought patterns, processing uncomfortable feelings, modifying unhealthy behaviors, and/or enhancing personal strengths and abilities.  

Individual Counseling

Individual counseling services are confidential, free of charge, and offered by appointment.  Students are typically seen for counseling every other week, unless determined otherwise by the clinician.   Request Services  

Group Counseling

Group counseling provides an opportunity for a small number of individuals to come together with the guidance of professionally trained clinicians to help gain a better understanding of oneself and one another.  It provides similar benefits to individual counseling in that it is a place to find support, share concerns, increase self-awareness, and learn from one another. Research has shown that group counseling is as effective, and sometimes more effective, than individual counseling.  It is common to feel anxious about joining a group, though this often declines as members acclimate to the group. We recommend regular attendance and commitment to gain the maximum support and benefit of group counseling. Group counseling services are free of charge and typically held weekly. For more information about the current groups offered, please contact the center at 321-674-8050.

How Can Group Counseling Be Helpful?

  • Gaining support 
  • Learning you are not alone 
  • Learning to manage relationship difficulties 
  • Dealing with low self-esteem 
  • Coping with depression or anxiety 
  • Overcoming communication problems 
  • Identifying complex personal, family and interpersonal patterns 
  • Learning to "think out loud" 
  • Building general coping skills 
  • Receiving stress and time-management training

What Should I Expect From Group Counseling? 

  • Intimacy & Privacy: You can expect groups to be small in size with mutual respect for privacy agreed upon by all participants to enhance the comfort level and participation among all members.  
  • Guidance: You can expect support, guidance, and facilitation of emotional growth as well as respect for individual differences.
  • Emotional Support: You can expect gaining insight into your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and being encouraged to share experiences with others to promote a sense of belonging, shared experience, and enhanced perspective-taking.

Crisis Intervention & Management Services

If you or someone you know is in crisis, get help right away.  For any life threatening and/or medical emergencies, or if you are concerned about a student who is under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, and/or has threatened bodily harm to self/others, please call 911 and seek the assistance from the police, fire department, and/or ambulance.*

Florida Tech's Campus Security

  • Provides on-campus safety assistance to students 24 hours per day/7 days per week
  • (321) 674-8111 / Shaw Hall, at the south side of building                      

Florida Tech’s Student Health Center

  • provides on-campus medical and medication services to students
  • (321) 674-8078  /  Near corner of University Blvd. and Country Club Rd., beside the student counseling center 

Florida Tech’s Student Counseling Center

  • Provides on-campus mental health services to students. 
  • (321) 674-8050  /  Corner of University Blvd. and Country Club Rd., beside the student health center 

Holmes Regional Medical Center

  • Nearest medical hospital 
  • (321) 434-7000  /  1350 South Hickory Street (Melbourne, Florida 32901)

Circles of Care

  • Nearest mental health crisis stabilization center 
  • (321) 914-0650  /  880 Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. (Melbourne, Florida 32901)

Coastal Psychiatric Urgent Care

  • Nearest psychiatric urgent care 
  • (321) 586-5444  / 1428 Valentine Street (Melbourne, Florida 32901)

Additional information about Crisis Resources

Outreach Services 

The Student Counseling Center participates in a variety of campus-wide outreach and wellness events.  The center also provides psycho-educational information and support to classes and student groups/clubs/organizations who may be interested in a specific mental health and/or wellness topic.  Please contact the center at (321) 674-8050 for more information.

Consultation Services

The Student Counseling Center offers consultation services and support to those who may have concerns about a student.  Please contact the center at (321) 674-8050 for more information.  Florida Tech's CARE Team is another resource available to express a concern about a student. Complete a CARE Reporting Form.

Referral Services

For Florida Tech students who may not choose to engage in services offered through our center, who may not be eligible for the center's services, and/or who may have needs that go beyond the scope of the services offered, are welcome to contact the center for a referral to a provider/agency in the community.   Also, consider contacting your health insurance company and/or your local community mental health center or hospital for referrals. 

Florida Tech students who are interested and/or elect to participate in the Student Health Insurance Program can learn more about the benefits and services of this plan. The current Student Health Insurance Program is through UnitedHealthcare, and for FL Tech students who elect this plan are afforded the opportunity to benefit from HealthiestYou, a program that offers 24/7 access to physicians and mental health professionals free of charge.  These services are also available for FL Tech students who are not covered under this health insurance plan, for a fee.  View more information.

Resources for Mental Health Information & Services

Brevard 211  /  dial 2-1-1 

Mental Health America (MHA)  /  (800) 969-6642 

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)  /  (800) 950-6264 

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)  /  (866) 615-6464  

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)  /  (800) 662-HELP (4357) 

Faculty and Staff

If you or someone you know is in crisis, get help right away.  For any life threatening and/or medical emergencies, or if you are concerned about a student who is under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, and/or has threatened bodily harm to self/others, please call 911 and seek the assistance from the police, fire department, and/or ambulance.*

The Student Counseling Center encourages faculty/staff who may have concerns about a student to contact Florida Tech's CARE Team by completing a  CARE Reporting Form, or contacting the Chair of the CARE Team at 321-674-8080.

For faculty/staff members who may be in need of professional assistance for a mental health or emotional issue themselves, or for their family member(s), may consider contacting Florida Tech’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP).  Also, consider contacting your health insurance company and/or your local community mental health center or hospital for referrals. 

In addition, there are a variety of faculty/staff wellness events and resources at: Human Resource's Wellness Calendar.